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T cells: Guardians of Immunity

by 준수한생각 2024. 1. 2.


T cells


Title: Unveiling the World of T Cells: Guardians of Immunity



Introduction: T cells, a pivotal component of the immune system, play diverse roles in safeguarding our health. Let's explore the intriguing world of T cells and their functions.



T cells in battle



1. Types of T Cells:



1-1. Helper T Cells (CD4+ T Cells):

Function: Coordinate immune responses by interacting with other immune cells.


Th1 Cells: Activate macrophages and enhance cytotoxic T cell activity.

Th2 Cells: Assist B cells in antibody production and immune response against parasites.

Th17 Cells: Involved in defense against extracellular bacteria and fungi.

Tfh Cells: Provide help to B cells in the formation of antibodies.


1-2. Cytotoxic T Cells (CD8+ T Cells):

Function: Directly attack and destroy infected or abnormal cells.

Mechanism: Release cytotoxic molecules, inducing target cell death.


1-3. Memory T Cells:

Function: "Remember" previous encounters with pathogens for faster and more robust responses.


Central Memory T Cells: Reside in lymphoid tissues, providing long-term memory.

Effector Memory T Cells: Circulate in peripheral tissues, ready for a rapid response.


1-4. Regulatory T Cells (Tregs):

Function: Maintain immune system balance, preventing excessive immune responses.

Suppression Mechanisms: Inhibit activation and proliferation of other immune cells, promote tolerance to self-antigens.



2. T Cell Activation:



2-1. Antigen Presentation:

Process: Antigens are presented to T cells by antigen-presenting cells (APCs).

Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC):

MHC Class I: Presents intracellular antigens to cytotoxic T cells.

MHC Class II: Presents extracellular antigens to helper T cells.


2-2. Co-stimulation:

Requirement: T cell activation requires co-stimulatory signals (e.g., CD28-B7 interaction).

Prevents: Prevents inappropriate immune responses to self-antigens.


2-3. Signal Transduction:

Pathways: Activation triggers signaling cascades, including pathways like JAK-STAT and MAPK.



3. T Cell Trafficking and Homing:



3-1. Chemokine Receptors:

Expression: T cells express specific chemokine receptors guiding their migration.

Examples: CCR7 for lymphoid tissues, CXCR3 for inflamed tissues.


3-2. Tissue-specific Homing:

Expression of Adhesion Molecules: Allows T cells to home to specific tissues.

Examples: Integrins (VLA-4) for central nervous system homing.



4. T Cell-Mediated Immune Responses:



4-1. Cellular Immunity:

Effector Mechanisms: Cytotoxic T cells directly kill infected cells.

Cytokine Release: Helper T cells release cytokines, influencing immune responses.


4-2. Humoral Immunity:

Assistance to B Cells: Helper T cells help B cells produce antibodies.

Class Switching: Tfh cells influence the class switching of antibodies.



5. Immunological Memory:



5-1. Primary and Secondary Responses:

Primary Response: Initial encounter with an antigen.

Secondary (Memory) Response: Subsequent encounters, faster and more effective.


5-2. Vaccination:

Principle: Inducing memory T cell responses for long-term protection.

Vaccines: Promote the generation of memory T cells.



6. T Cell-Related Disorders:



6-1. Autoimmune Diseases:

Examples: Rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis.

Cause: Dysregulation leading to attacks on self-tissues.


6-2. Immunodeficiency Conditions:

Examples: HIV/AIDS, Severe Combined Immunodeficiency (SCID).

Cause: Impaired T cell function compromises immune responses.






Understanding the intricate details of T cell biology is crucial for comprehending immune responses, vaccination strategies, and the development of therapeutic interventions for immune-related disorders. The world of T cells holds the key to unlocking the mysteries of our immune system.